InOneWeekend Registration Open

Registration is open for InOneWeekend 2009.


InOneWeekend is an innovation and entrepreneurship organization that hosts participant-driven weekend events that create and launch viable start-ups in a single weekend. Our low-commitment, low-cost, high-return, highly awesome events allow like-minded, diversely experienced individuals to create an elevating experience and quite possibly the next big thing.

I participated in InOneWeekend last year and can say that no matter what the outcome of the work, the experience itself was extraordinary. Not only was the weekend-long coding quite fun, I learned a great deal from all the non-programmers - marketers, designers, business planners, attorneys - that were crammed into the same space.  There is only space for 100 participants, so sign up today!

InOneWeekend 2009 - 100 people create a start-up in a weekend 

  • When: Friday, August 28 - Sunday, August 30
  • Where: Tangeman University Center at the University of Cincinnati
  • What: A special keynote speaker (!) will kick-off the second annual InOneWeekend with a lecture open to the public on Friday afternoon.  Then the selected 100 participants will brainstorm over 300 ideas with Jeff Stamp of Bold Thinking and vote on the concept.  Saturday, they will build the product and write the business plan and investor presentation.  Sunday: Launch!
  • WAITLIST OPEN: InOneWeekend is assembling the dream team of design, technology, and business participants.  To find out more and apply, visit and click on 'Register for upcoming events'

The Cincinnati Enquirer Show Its True Priorities

I was disgusted by the Enquirer's response to the laying off of 101 employees, including the entire staff of CiNWeekly.  If you haven't read it yet, go read it now, and then come back while I highlight the salient points.

Done? Here is the salient point: Advertisers, we are still worth spending money on. Buy ads from us!

I understand everyone has to make a living.  But this is a bit of salt in the wound. I expected the post to be apologetic.  But there was no apology.  I expected sympathy. No sympathy towards its former employees or their families was mentioned.  Not even a little regret.  Here is what I read:

Naysayers have predicted our demise many times over those years, but today The Enquirer reaches 64 percent of local adults every week, or 803,800.

Look at our reach, buy ads from us!

Enquirer Media does not have an audience problem. Nearly two-thirds of the market will read our newspaper this week. It’s the economy.

Look at our reach, buy ads from us!

And, we’re more than a newspaper. Enquirer Media reaches 83 percent of the adults in its core market every week with one of our products. Moreover, it reaches those people nearly five times.

Look at our reach, buy ads from us!

We work for our advertisers. The newspaper and digital initiatives continue to provide the same strong results for our advertisers. We help them understand and employ today’s technology to grow their business and reach their goals.

Look at our reach, buy ads from us!

We have talented, flexible employees. And we still have, by far, the largest local footprint in terms of content gathering, print and online audience, promotional capability and sales capability.

Look at our reach, buy ads from us!

There was some other statements made, but that was all I read.